The Train is Coming - Again

First Posted, July 6, 2011

The Train is Coming
Nineteen years ago this morning, I dropped off our sons at their new job.  I especially remember how proud sixteen-year-old Mark seemed, dressed in a crisp white shirt and tie.  His previous work experience was construction and this new job meant working inside in air conditioning.  It was a normal day, like any other day, except it wasn't.  And the only One Who knew how upside down it would end was our God.  Following is a post about that day originally published on July 6, 2011.

Eighteen years ago July 4 was on a Sunday.  We celebrated Communion during the worship service.  Our sixteen-year-old son, Mark, sat on one side of me and seventeen-year-old Daniel sat on the other.  I rubbed their backs as they bowed to pray before taking the elements.
What was in their minds?  Was this a special moment with the Lord or were they thinking about our cook out plans and getting together with friends for fireworks later?
At a recent outdoor concert followed by a fireworks display, Dan told me the night reminded him of July 4, 1993, one of his last nights with his brother.
[For the rest of the story....}

In His grip,