Do We Pass Our Sins On To Our Kids?

In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Hi Dr. Betters, God has guided me recently to your videos as He has other good ministries over the years and because of them I have grown spiritually and owe much thanks to Christian brothers and sister and their gifts of the Holy Spirit. I have two questions? Are sins of the mother or father carried on into next generations and if so could there be much more immorality because of it AND do people especially Christians that treat another Christian brother or sister unfairly or even cruelly reap what they sow either now or in eternity. If not repented to God and ask forgiveness to the person that they have hurt or unfairly judged? Thank you I have been a born again Christian for 48 years there has been rocky roads along the way but with Gods help have kept the faith. God Bless and thank you, Joanne from Canada"